iPad at Work: for the NFL’s Tampa Bay Bucs

Who are the 90 iPad users you would least like to argue with? Odd question right? Well here’s the answer: The coaching staff of the National Football League’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers has equipped every one of their 90 players with an iPad 2 to view playbooks and watch videos. I’m thinking if any of those … Continue reading

Why iPad is conquering the workplace

Since the iPad first shipped in April of last year, the tablet has been slammed by critics as a content consumption device, a feature-limited Tablet PC and a pointless plaything for rich yuppies. Apple itself positioned the iPad as a living room knee-top device, something for mindlessly flipping through apps or games while watching Comedy … Continue reading


Sort of Coal is a Danish company founded by Pernille Lembcke and Louise Vilsgaard whose products place an emphasis on simple and natural purification. And they have nice packaging, too! Their handmade products – ranging from shampoo to water and air purification – contain white charcoal, a natural ingredient that helps absorb toxins, odors, and … Continue reading

Miami Has the Nation’s Highest Overdraft Fees

​Like most people in Miami, your checking account is still feeling stressed. Which means whether you’re buying a few too many drinks at an overpriced bar before your next paycheck or just trying to put food on the table, you’re probably overdrafting once in a while. At least 26 percent of Americans with checking accounts … Continue reading

Natural Zen Perfume

Designer Igor Mitin from Kazakhstan design agency GOOD created interesting packaging concepts for ZEN parfumes. He used elements from nature to create a unique shape for each bottle of perfume. “It is quiet natural scents that envelop you and immersed in the tranquility and peace. The basis for the concept of packages is the synthesis … Continue reading

Letter from Steve Jobs

August 24, 2011 Letter from Steve JobsTo the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community: I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come. I hereby … Continue reading