iPad at Work: for the NFL’s Tampa Bay Bucs


Who are the 90 iPad users you would least like to argue with? Odd question right? Well here’s the answer:

The coaching staff of the National Football League’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers has equipped every one of their 90 players with an iPad 2 to view playbooks and watch videos.

I’m thinking if any of those guys say Angry Birds stinks and Madden 11 is way better, I’m not arguing.

Lame jokes aside, this is interesting news being reported at Apple Insider – as the Buccaneers are the first NFL team to adopt the iPad. And they’ve adopted it in a big way it looks like, with strong support from players, coaches, and ownership.

The idea to adopt the iPad came from the team’s coach, Raheem Morris, the youngest head coach in the NFL. The Bucs also have the youngest playing squad in the league and apparently coach and players are enthusiastic about replacing massive, old-school printed playbooks with the iPad.

Morris and his players also see the iPad as a much better option when it comes to studying game film – making things far easier than when they had to ask for copies of DVDs for this purpose …

“You’d have to use your general remote to fast-forward or rewind,” Morris said. “With this iPad, I can just flick through, and if that play doesn’t apply to me, I just touch it and get out of there and go here, and there’s third down. Get out of there, and let’s go to the red zone. Okay, there’s the nickel. It’s a different deal now.”

The team will save both time and paper / printing costs by using the iPad; and apparently it took all of two minutes to get the approval of ownership for the move to Apple’s tablet device.

I think this sort of use of the iPad makes perfect sense. I’ll be very surprised if we don’t see a number of other NFL teams doing similar things in the near future.

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